The last (but not the least) Art Zoyd's album in studio is this Le Champ des Larmes, issued in 2006. It is a double CD and inside you can find avantgard, gothic atmospheres, Rio music, electronic vibrations. Surely it isn't an easy work, maybe it is one of the most difficult (to know) album of that group, anyway its line-up is: Yukari Bertocchi-Hamada / keyboards, sensors, kaoss; - Patricia Dallio / keyboards, sensors, kaoss; - Daniel Koskowitz / percussions, pads, kaoss, totem; - Jérôme Soudan "Mimetic" / percussions, pads, kaoss, totem. It is a recent work of course, but I believe to post it on my blog it is not a bad thing for the artists, so my readers (not many...) are able to listen to it first and after, if they like it, to purchase the CD. If that is a problem, please tell me and I'll remove it from the blog.
Le Champ @ 320 kbps
2 commenti:
Thanks centurione for this great album!Have a good weekend my friend!
To you too and...ciao!
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