Just I already posted some Los Jaivas' albums, today thanking Edulms, I'm posting another pretty work of that Chilean band entitled Canciòn del Sur and issued in 1977 (here with four bonus tracks). The overall sound of this album is not to far from Alturas De Macchu Picchu, however their is also an exploration of local Indian sounds and colorings in the music. Its line-up is: Gato Alquinta -Voz, Guitarra eléctrica, Guitarra acústica, Quena, Tarka, Flauta dulce, Trutruca, Zampoña, Silbido, Pito, Cascabeles, Afoxé, Palmas, Coros; Gabriel Parra -Batería, Tumbadora, Xilófono, Caxexé, Trutruca, Tarka, Silbido, Coros; Claudio Parra -Piano, Chinchecordio, Xilófono, Carillón, Tarka, Matraca, Trutruca, Güiro, Pito, Palmas; Eduardo Parra -Piano eléctrico, Minimoog, Trutruca, Bongó, Balafón, Afoxé, Palmas; Pájaro Canzani -Bajo, Guitarra acústica, Guitarra folk, Voz, Berimbao, Ganca, Kultrum, Cajita, Cascabeles, Palmas, Silbido, Coros; Alberto Ledo -Charango, Tarka, Zampoña, Trutruca, Palmas, Silbido, Coros.
Canciòn del sur @ 128kbps
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